Fall Rummage Sale is a Success!

Roger and Jenny Connolly

Roger and Jenny Connolly

Despite inclement weather on Saturday, October 3rd, the Fall Rummage Sale was a successful event, drawing a substantial number of people from the community and surrounding towns. This event benefits many in the Village and surrounding areas.

Church volunteers stepped up to help, assisting by setting up, cleaning up after the event, organizing tables and Rummage Sale items, baking cakes, and ensuring everything went smoothly from start to finish.

The Rummage Sale fundraiser netted $2,056.00 for the United Methodist Church of Hempstead. The UMC of Hempstead plans various ministries during the year to help the community-at-large. Two Rummage Sales are held each year; one in the fall and one in the spring. (October and May).

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