Reflections: A Message From Our Pastor

The celebrations of Holy Week have given way to the splendor of the Easter season. At the Hempstead Church, we had an enriching experience during our Easter celebration. The Sounds of Praise and the Chancel Choirs, along with the soloist, the Easter Trumpets, the poem, the liturgy, and every single person who attended the service made this celebration special and meaningful. My hope is that this Easter spirit will endure and keep the light of hope alive in each one of us as we continue our individual and collective journey through the rest of the year. With the supplies of my energy nearly depleted, I needed time to recharge, and had the opportunity to attend a District retreat in Bay Shore, L.I. During this time, those who attended this one-day retreat
engaged in meditation, prayer, chants, as well as interpersonal activities that provided the environment for a spiritual and emotional recovery.

In this spirit, we were able to begin our much-needed program of hot meals for the community. The Outreach Committee had taken on the responsibility to organize this program and scheduled the opening date for April 25. Well, it materialized and I was impressed by the level of support provided by our members and friends on this first day of
service. I was also impressed by the effort put forth in each detail, as well as the quality of interaction displayed with those who came seeking a warm meal. But at the same time, I was not surprised because this is what I had observed at the two New Year’s Day brunches I had attended in the past.

There is no doubt that we still have a lot to learn, and I hope that with each opportunity, we will find a way to grow not only in the organizational and service aspects, but in our humanity and spirituality dimensions as well.

As we interact with those who are in need, not just of a meal, but maybe of a word of encouragement or an act of support, I am sure many opportunities will open before us to discover other realms of God that were hidden from our smaller worlds.

I do not want to end this reflection without mentioning my gratitude and joy for the Confirmation class. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to interact with this great group of eight children. Probably the one who learned more was the Pastor. I am so happy for the potential and future of our church. These children should give us great hope; however, let us not take this for granted. This means that our responsibility as a church must measure up to the expectations of these children. We do not want to disappoint them. Our task did not end at Confirmation Sunday. Together, we took an important step in maintaining our faithfulness to the tradition of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

If we maintain this path of nurturing and support, and keep adding love and gratitude, I am pretty sure we will witness the full display of God’s blessings before us.

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Rafael Garcia